All the Books I Didn’t Read: May

Ghana Must Go book

When I sat down to write May’s Year in Books post I realised I have only read one book this month. In fact, I started that one book back in April so that’s almost cheating..

I’ve had reading ruts before, when I just can’t settle on a book, but this month I’m blaming it on work. Not too much of it, but just the uncertainty and stress of it as my team faces serious cuts.

I zone out mid-page to start thinking about who said what in that meeting, or how I should frame that response in a more diplomatic fashion. When really I just want to shout ‘Don’t do this!’ It feels like a great loss, of the work we all feel so passionate about.

Close up of boat cover

Tom and I are both talking big changes next year. Plans are afoot to strike out on our own and fill more of our days with the creative endeavours we love so much. Of course, Radio 4 features heavily in this idyllic vision of the future..)

I’m trying hard to balance sensible ‘pay-the-bills’ thoughts with wild and ambitious ‘nothing-can-stop-me’ ideas. My morning ferry commute flashes by without me opening a book at all.

California poppies

So, I appreciate Laura’s achievable target: just one book a month! This might be less than I usually read, but it’s something.

Ghana Must Go was a beautifully written and colourful read. It moved between narrators and across time in a way that took some adjusting to. I think it’s a good book; too good to be fully appreciated by my distracted mind. I’m taking refuge in some Kate Atkinson this month: Life After Life. I’m sure I can concentrate on that…

8 thoughts on “All the Books I Didn’t Read: May

  1. I was exactly the same a couple of months ago – I had lost all motivation for reading – it was almost like I forgot how exciting it was. I started the year in books project and I’m reading so much more now – even more than one a month, and I’m so much happier for it!
    Hope your work stresses sort themselves out soon – I can sympathise entirely!

    • It’s great how a challenge makes us find more time for something we love! Thanks for your sympathies too; I suspect many people can relate all too well!

  2. Keep your chin up! And maybe make those life changes if you can afford to. I went from doing a ‘life passing me by’ job for 45 hours a week to cutting those hours down to 20 a week. The first paycheck was very scary but I put some feelers out to do what I’d really like to – writing and just this week have got 2 paid jobs! It’s been a bit of a slog and I’ve become downhearted at times but I feel like I’m back in control more and have time to do the things I actually want to do as opposed to those I have to. :0)

    • Thank you so much for this Amber. I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said. We do only have this one life after all; we can’t look back and think it’s passing us by! I think I wouldn’t mind a bit of slog if I felt I had a little more control.

  3. Karen on said:

    Sometimes its hard to relax with a book when other things are buzzing in your head maybe needing attention. I am really sorry about your work worries but as someone who works for herself I would say make your own future for the two of you and do what you love.

  4. I hope that everything falls into place for you life-wise. I also know via Twitter that you’ve enjoyed Life after Life- a hard act to follow, that one. I am halfway though Last Child in the Woods, it’s great stuff.

    • Thanks Laura. Glad you’re enjoying the book. I see you’ve been reading fiction alongside; a good way to balance it out!