About a month ago I mentioned that we’d inadvertently inherited the class hamster, Cocoa. I discovered that having a pet is awesome. And when you’re out of the house twelve hours a day, allergic to cats, and bored by goldfish, a hamster is pretty perfect. So when Cocoa died a few weeks ago (after a long and illustrious life) I missed having a pet!
Enter Mabel: a little Russian Dwarf hamster found in the rescue section of the pet store. Her full name is actually Mabel McWhiskyson (the product of reading H is for Hawk whilst drinking Laphroaig). She is an adorable ball of fluff to come home to at the end of the day and a seriously good alternative to ranting about work the moment I get in.
So, it turns out I’m a pet person; who’d a thunk it?! I’m still resisting the urge to dress her up in an elf hat for Christmas..
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