Cowgirl for a Day

Wendy on Elvis the horse

Rusty horse riding photo collage

When I mentioned to my Grama that I’d like to do some horse riding whilst visiting her this summer, I had no idea she’d go and book a trip for us all to stay on a ranch.

For two days we had our fill of ranch life, complete with horses, wranglers and a hint of NRA support. (This corner of California is definitely a far reach from the slick silicon valley, beach bikini babes, or 70s throwback hippies lining the coast. And when you think of the size of the state, the variety is no surprise.)

We were saddled up and rambling through deserted mountain tracks before you could say ‘yee haw cowboy’ (no points for guessing my cowboy knowledge is entirely based on Toy Story).

Rusty outside the horse riding office

Wendy standing by a horse

Given my Mum’s childhood of riding horses, I can’t believe I’ve never ridden with her before. I loved hearing her stories of wild horses, bareback riding and parading her horse through town. She looked so comfortable with these beautiful animals, I felt a pang of the classic eight year old’s yearning to have a horse of my own (as a child I had to settle for a hamster!)

Rusty chilling by the pool

Rusty panning for gold in the river

When we weren’t riding we were living a deliciously all-american cliche: ghost stories by the fire, complete with s’mores and popcorn, feasting and laughing with the other guests, and even panning for gold. Given what I found I don’t think I’ll be a millionaire any time soon…

View up at redwood trees

4 thoughts on “Cowgirl for a Day

  1. Looks like such a beautiful way to spend the day. I’m severely allergic to horses so can’t go anywhere near them :( So sad :(

    Chloe x

    • Me too! But it was too good a thing to not do. So, I dosed up on meds, wore sunglasses the whole time, didn’t go near the horse’s head (though I really wanted to say a proper hello!) and pretty much boiled all my riding clothes afterwards. Seemed to do the trick!

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful time on your hols. I haven’t ridden for years as other things in life have taken over – used to love trekking on Dartmoor in the holidays.