Travelling by Train

Coffee cup and book on the train

I set out early this morning for my seven hour journey to Manchester.  The taxi driver asked why I had chosen to travel four hours by train, rather than forty minutes by plane.  Quite honestly, the thought hadn’t occurred to me.

I relish a long train journey.  Why would I swap a gallop through the countryside for an ear-aching descent through the sky?  Give me a window seat to watch the countryside zip past, and I’ll happily drift off watching the clouds up above me.  I like the slow move from familiar country to new terrain, its steady shift through rolling green farmland, old brick industries and silversharp complexes.

I had plans to knit, listen to podcasts and have a good long nap.  But with a new book and renewed appreciation for my old ipod with it’s long battery life, I didn’t get round to any of it.  Those new mittens and Radio 4 catchup will just have to wait for another day.  Perhaps the journey back…

Photo collage of train travel

Off on a Plane

Tom reading a paper at the airport

Tom and I are heading off to Belfast for the weekend to see The National play. At the risk of hyperbole, these guys have got to be my all-time favourite band. They remind me of being plugged in to my headphones after walking through the Pyrenees on honeymoon, and they haven’t been far from my top tracks list ever since.

Beyond the music, I’m looking forward to exploring a new city, ambling around with my man, staying in a luxurious hotel, and doing absolutely no homework. Happy Weekend!