Since way back in the spring you may have noticed my mention of new business plans. The first day of November saw these really truly beginning, as I visited my first client as an independent Speech and Language Therapist, no longer under the employment of a school or council or NHS – just me, setting out to support a family.
Despite being an SLT for almost ten years, I was strangely nervous about doing it with my new ‘independent practice’ hat on. But, the session went well and I’m excited to start providing some regular therapy.
My friends and family have been incredibly supportive and patient with me; particularly Tom as my mind has rarely been far from some new plan or consideration, and he has heard no end of talk on the matter!
Brother Alec and friend Kat helped hugely with website building and photo taking. So now – this thing is real and I can’t wait to get stuck in! Do go have a look at SaLT by the Sea: Speech and Language Therapy for the Isle of Wight! :)