Even amongst the excitement of a weekend in foreign city, we can’t help but seek out the green spaces: a picnic in the park, sharing books and people watching, or the botanical gardens, almost empty despite being right behind the art gallery with a two hour queue to enter.
Seeking out the quiet sanctuary of Madrid’s Real Jardín Botánico (Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Científicas) might have had something to do with the rest of the weekend spent celebrating with Spaniards, where I learnt that 1am is considered an early night and three courses is only a third of the whole meal.
We celebrated a wedding in Spanish style and caught up with friends we haven’t seen in years. I loved sharing stories and plans, laughing and dancing. And a quiet hour in a flower garden was the perfect coda to the weekend. If you’re ever visiting a foreign city, either as a tourist or a guest, do add the botanical garden to your list.