Starry Night

Well, we didn’t get any snow.  But, we did get a beautiful starry night.  Tom has been sharing some star knowledge with me, and I’ve enjoyed learning some new things.  Now, I can spot Orion, and just make out the Pleaides on a clear night.  I have a better idea of how enormous our galaxy is, and how many others there are.   It’s daunting, but inspiring.  After all, we are all made of stars.

1 thoughts on “Starry Night

  1. Marlene West on said:

    YES! Bryony, the stars ARE amazing. I just started my second round of classes, “Cosmic Visions” and it is so AWESOME! To know that we are made of star-stuff, that we are just tiny miniscule specks in such vastness is astonishing, and it’s all so beautiful. Glad we have yet another thing in common. Love to you both. G’ma