Pictures in an instant

holding a conker, hiding behind a teacup, autumn country lane, wood pile

I like a good picture; I’m amazed by the power of visual information and am an incessant doodler. So it’s no surprise that I’m a bit of an Instagram addict. I love the possibility of seeing so many perspectives on the world in an instant, and the opportunity to share my own.

So, in the interests of sharing, here are some of my favourite IGers:

@5ftinf – beautiful photos of everyday. I’ve never seen so many perfect photos of one table.

@wheninparis – a different view of this beautiful city.

@hannahqueen – simple pics from a country life. Makes me want to buy a cabin and grow pumpkins.

@alice_gao – just fantastic photography.

@hilldwellertom – my favourite view of Island life, from my favourite man.

And here’s me!:
view from compton cliff, sailboat in cowes, pinarello front wheel, view down albert street
@rusty_rambles – a little of my everyday.

Have you become an Instagram addict? Who are your favourites?

8 thoughts on “Pictures in an instant

  1. Marlene West on said:

    I love them ALL! Loved the shoes and swirls; you know me and round things. But because I am missing you and (and the Island, AND England), I would have to say the ones by Tom are my favorites. What an eye! What talent! And, why not move to a cabin and grow pumpkins?! I did that once (as you know) and the memories haunt me still, in a good way. Living simply and close to the earth is special. XXOO Grama

    • Thanks Grama. Not surprised you’re missing the Island, it is pretty great! I will put ‘move to cabin’ on my to do list.

  2. Hi bry. I can certainly see a lot of grandma Marla in some of your pictures. They look great! Say hi to everyone for me.

  3. Oh what a lovely selection! I love the look of the instagram, in a way i wish i had updated my phone when i had the chance and then i could happily snap pictures without carrying around a large camera.
    Im going to pop off and look at some of the wonderful links you’ve included here…. should keep me busy for a while with a cuppa tea.

    • Know what you mean- I’ve never been good at pulling out the camera (even though mine is only a compact). I definitely take more photos now on my phone, but still rely on Tom for the good shots!