Before the rain

Photo collage of Salvia, Alyssum, Lavender and Cosmos

I have finally planted some flowers, before the rains descend this evening.  After my first attempts were completely devoured by slugs and snails, I’ve been a little slow to try again.  What with the pests and the intimidating blank canvas of bare earth maybe it’s just too difficult!

I used to think there must be some secret formula to gardening, that unless you had a full set of instructions it was a botanical impossibility.  But I’m starting to realise that the soil is pretty good at nurturing life.  And as I’m rarely a fan of straight rows and orderly boxes, I see no reason why I should try to achieve that in my garden.  So I’ve stuck some things in the soil, haphazard and hasty, and I’ll wait to see what grows.  This time I might put up a few slug defences too.

4 thoughts on “Before the rain

  1. This time around I’m trying to take gardening more lightly, but I did feel my heart sink yesterday evening when I spotted the mess a gopher made of my once thriving radish rows.

    • Our beetroots have gone the same way. Nature in tooth and claw does tend to put a spanner in the works!

  2. Ooooh good luck i cant wait to see what appears. This weather is grim and miserable but it’s done wonders for the allotment! :D i’m sure things will start popping up in no time. x

    • I uncovered a rhubarb patch in our overgrown allotment, so the rain ain’t no bad thing! I’m just hoping everything survives these winds…